Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Let Me....

It crunches under my feet like the hardened snow. It makes crispy, annoying sounds that interrupt the silence of everything else that is not going on.....I have been kicking it around for so long that sometimes I could swear I have literal bruises on my toes...I am a warrior and conqueror of only that which can not be seen...on the outside I am just ordinary. On the inside I am a phoenix rising from the ashes.

So let me wrap my toes in ice and bandages. Let me put away my sword an shield. Let me spread my wings of fire and rise..........

Let me close my battle scars with kind words and bits of string. Let me rip the stitches from my mouth. Let me scream about the injustice of it all. Let me breathe and spread my wings of fire and rise....

Let me wash the soot from my armor. Let me tattoo my sins on my breast with permanent marker and fountain pen ink . Let me grieve the pain of lost battles and victories and of all that lies in between. Let me cry and spread my wings of fire and rise....

Because I am the conqueror of my fears....I am the imaginary warrior....I am the phoenix rising from the ash.

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